The Problem

Sirius XM's brand is associated with rental cars and old people. People don't know that Sirius has an app with 100's of curated music stations.

The Ask

Create new brand associations. Build relevance with younger audiences and show them how awesome Sirius XM really is.


If the music's off, then the moment's off.
And, no one knows this better than...

Our Audience: The Conscious Curator.

Nothing gets these vibe-masters going like having music ready for any occasion.

And, there’s another issue!

No two moments are EVER the same...


You can’t prepare for the perfect moment, because the moment is constantly evolving.

And Sirius XM provides the solution: endless, effortless music curation to match & amplify your moment, whatever it might be.

The Strategy:

Amplify Your Moment.

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